Four ways to correct muscle imbalance

Muscle imbalance occurs when one group of muscles - for example, chest – is unequal strength or size in relation to the opposite group of muscles - for example, back. These differences in muscle function can diminish the results of your effort in the gym, but also create serious injuries. When one muscle is weak and the other is too active, your body reaches into poor posture - like rounded shoulders or excessively curved lower back - which also limits the mobility of the joints and cramps certain muscles.

Typically, muscle imbalances occur in areas of your body that should be moving, such as hips, shoulders, and the chest part of the spine - but they can occur almost anywhere. What does it look like when you have a muscle imbalance and how will you recognize it? Read on to find out the four most common muscular imbalances, quick check of the condition, and how to fix them.

Symptom: rounded shoulders


Take a look at your upper body without clothes pictured from the profile - if you see any part of the upper part of your back, you have rounded shoulders. The problem is that we spend too much time behind the computer, and in the gym we insist on the chest, so our chest muscles strengthen and lower our shoulders forward.

Start strengthening the muscles of your back and stretch your chest. Do only one breast exercise per week during the month, and focus on the following exercises:

Balance yourself

Chest-supported dumbbell row

Place the adjustable bench on the short slope and lie with face down with the dumbbell in each hand. Start the movement by pulling the shoulder blades and row. Do not allow your elbows to pull away from your chest.

Wide-grip inverted row

With wider grip, hands will do less work, while neglected middle-back muscles will do more. Place the bar for a two-handed weight on a dead lift or Smit's device, swing from below and pull your chest to the bar. Pin your shoulder blades together and hold your body straight just like a plank.

Doorway pec stretch
Stand by the door with your hands above your head, make an angle of 90 degree with your elbows and hold the forearm on the door. Tilt forward and stretch your chest muscles.

Symptom: Sway back

If you have rounded shoulders, you're probably have sway back too. This requires a different group of corrective exercises compared to those for the rounded shoulders. In addition to previous exercises, you need to work on the return of flexibility and mobility of the chest part of the spine. Use these stretching exercises before the next training session.

Balance yourself


Step into the four-legged position with your knees directly below your hips and arms straight under your shoulders. Now, push the center back as far as you can and make a bow like a cat when exhale. This pose in the yoga is called a kneeling cobra. Then lift your back up so that it look like a camel's hump.

Segmental T/S extension
Lie on your back. Place the foam roller below the middle part of the back. Put your hands behind your head, hold the buttocks on the ground and pull your body back over the roller, keeping the neck straight.

Symptom: Anterior pelvic tilt

Anterior pelvic tilt occurs when your pelvis leans forward causing an excessively curved back and rounded shoulders.

Test 1

When you wear a belt that fits well, where is the buckle centered? If it's pointing down and not straight ahead, you have anterior pelvic tilt.

Test 2

If your back hamstrings is always taut compared to the quads before, during, and after exercise, you probably have anterior pelvic tilt.

With a anterior pelvic tilt, your back hamstrings is taut because it always works to prevent the pelvis from leaning forward. This causes problems with the lower back and even stretches the rear logs. Instead, put the pelvis back into neutral alignment and release the back hamstrings, the gluteus will work properly, and the lower back will calm down.

Balance yourself

Hip flexor/Rectus femoris stretch

Kneel on one knee and place the back leg on the bench behind you. You will feel deep stretching through the front of the hips and the quads. Squeeze the gluteus of the hind leg and hold it for 30 seconds. Change legs.

Lie on your back with your hands and knees in the air. Raise the butt from the ground, but so that your lower back remains on the ground. Touch the opposite hand and leg while holding the starting position. Change sides.

Symptom: Forward neck

When you go through the door, what passes first: head or chest? If it’s  your head, then the head and chin are probably set low, and your neck is pushing forward.

Having a head that moves forward causes neck problems: for each centimeter that your head moves forward, add another 5 kg that your neck needs to support. Instead, strengthen the neglected muscles deep in the neck with this simple exercise.

Balance yourself

Quadruped chin tucks

Take a four-legged position and pull your head down. Now, pull your neck out from below, keeping the same head position. Now lift your head and neck holding your chin deeply drawn.


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