The girls supported the action Let's burn all bras!!!
We usethis opportunity tosenda big THANK YOUto all the girlswho have decided tostop wearingbras! Is it because ofus, orbecause itjustfeel that way, wehonestly do not care. There aregirls whohavesent usbeautiful picturesandnicecomments, and someof our female acquaintancesandfriendsareverygratefultoall sincerewordsof supportto themfor many yearswe refer. We remainwithyougirls! Burnall thebrasin the world! Bravo!!!
For these people safety is not a priority!
Safety isalways in first place,but it seems thatsome people justdo notfollow this rule...
Picturesspeak louder than words,it is best tolook at theimages thatwill leave youspeechless.
Just becauseyou can dosomething,that doesn't meanthatyoushould do it!
Lava barbecue
Summer is coming, and this season isknown for flipping. Of course, girls insummerdresses, butthemeaton the grill to!
The team thatworksin afoundrythat dayapparentlywasa littleboredat workand decidedfor a little treat. While onebumpedinto a nearbybutcher shop, the othersprepared"volcanic barbecue".
Can it bemoremachothanthis? I don't thinkso, but if you make and record-theonebe sure-Men's Cornerwillwriteabout you!
He knew his wife is cheating. So, he throw her a birthday party!
Whenyou find out thatyour wifeis cheating,it is oftendifficult tostay calmandnotto have a nervousbreakdown,butthisguymusteredenoughwillpowertoget outfromallthetoprevenge!
Althoughthis storyfor some timecirclingthe vastness ofthe Internet,stilldoes not knowwho wrote it, noris ittrue,butmanydeceivedsouls,andthosewho are yet tobe, helped tofind comfortin oneof the worstsituationsin whicheach paircan be found.We're not goingto hypothesise,moralizeorphilosophize,butwe bring you complete story of thelittle manandthe big,sweetrevenge!
"So,I had a feeling she was cheatingbecauseshe gave meenoughreason to.She was always laughingandsmilingwhen she wrotethe message,and whenIaskedwhat it was,she would saythat it's onlyher mother.Constantlyhadto staylateat work.WhenIcalled,hercolleagueswouldsaythat sheleft a fewhours ago.WhenIasked herwhat was going on, she would justlaughed and said it wasa jokethateveryone in the office are doing. The straw that brokethe glassandwhen I knewfor surethat somethingis wrongiswhen she"went to getmilk"at 11:30at nightand returned homeat2in the morning.Ifthere areanywords of wisdomthat I have learnedover the yearsof experience,whichcanbe transferred to others,is thatifyou thinkyourpartner'scheating,hire aprivate detective.They're goodat what they doandwillgatherenough evidencefordivorce.
Fast forwarda few monthson her birthday.I knowwhat you mean,why am Iwaitingfor monthstoconfrontit, and is itreally neededto beon her birthday?The answer to thefirst question is thatI wantedmoreevidencethat I can give to my lawyer,as well as thetime tofinda new apartment, and the like.The answer tothe second questionis-of coursethatwas supposed to beon her birthday.OnceI asked herwhat she wantedfor her birthdaythis year,she insistedthatIgoout of townwith my friendsbecauseshehas to work anywayanddoes not want anyone to remind her that she is getting older.
I knewsomething wrong,and onceI founda bottle of champagneandtwo glasseshiddenin the closet,somethingin mesnapped.So Idid whatany reasonablemanwouldhave done.I wentwith to a friendpretendingtogoout of town.From thereI calledher mother,father,sisterandseveral ofher friends.I told themhowI wantto surprise her,so wecan allsneakinto ourbedroom withconfettianda bigbirthday cakewith candles.Sounds like fun,doesn't it?!Well, indeedit was!
We allgatheredin front ofour buildingat 8:30in the morning.Wepiledintothe elevator(eight of us);her mothercarryingcake,and Iremind themallthat we have tobevery silent.I putthe keyinthe lock andopen the door,allsneak inandgoto the bedroom.
Ithrew open thedoorandeveryoneshout:Surprise!
Butthe surprisewas ours,becausetherewas my wife,completely naked,with her loverwhoscaredstaring at us.Momdroppedthe cakeon the floor,screamingsister,the fatheryells.I pretendthat Iwas shockedwhileher friendsare tryingto pusheverythingout of the roomat the same timeshoutingat her.My wife, that is,ex-wifeis cryingandyellingat me"how could you" whileher loverdesperately trying toput on his pantsandrun away.I have tosaythat this wasone of the bestbirthday presentsI have evergiven?"
The onlyproblem with thisstoryis thatwe alllike toknowthe end,orwhat happened after.Are allthensatin the sameroom looking at each other strangely?Is thehusbandleft the apartmentwitha"cool"sentence?These questionsneed answers,ifsomeoneknowsor justwantto adda grain ofimaginationinthis, writein the comments...
Construction of skyscrapers higher than 1000 meters begin
April 27beganwork ona skyscraper"KingdomTower"which will be locatedin Jeddah, the largestsea portof Saudi Arabia.It is interestingthat this willbe the firstskyscraperthat will exceed1,000 meters (3000 feet) in height.
"KingdomTower"designed byarchitectsAdrian SmithandGordonGill,and if youread about theBurj Khalifa,maybeyouknown Adrian Smithis from before becausehewasthe creator ofthe projecton whichis builtthecurrenttallest skyscraper inthe world.
It is planned thatconstruction will last forfour years, andwhen the"KingdomTower"is completedatitsmore than200floorswill be locatedapartments,businessofficesanda hotel,while thevantage point of the157-th floorwill bethe highestvantage pointin the world.With its1000 meters,KingdomTower inJeddah will rise abovethe clouds,itwill with record speeds(12.5meters per second) goup and down59elevators, of whichfive of themwill be so called: 'Doubledecker'lifts. It is planned that on theconstruction of thisgiantwill be spentover one billiontwo hundredmillion dollars.
Investor, asbefitsthe richestArabin the Middle East-Al-WaleedbinTalal-which,it seems, the figureof $ 20 billionseemedreasonableamount, thatwhen it comes totallest buildinginthe world,to overthrone828metershighBurjKhalifain Dubai.
The Japanese invented the perfect device for dispensing beer!
TheKensaiInternationalAirport inOsaka, Japan, setthenewmiracleof Japanesetechnology! Automaticmachinefordispensingbeerwith the perfectratio offoam, impressesallpassers-byandemployeesevery day! Best of all,the beeris freefor those whohave access to"All Nippon Airways Star Alliance" golden salon! The Japanese havedone whatthe entire worldhas been waiting fora while! Thank you for yourcommitment totechnology, perfectknowledge of theprocessof pouringbeerandfrequenttesting! Whenwehave notcalledto assistin the preparation, it would be goodtoget on to themass productionof this product! This deviceevery manmust containin their kitchen! We will buya dozen piecesat once!!!
2016 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe
Chevrolet'sCamaro, ischeap"muscle" car thatovertakesthe attention of manyenthusiastsaround the world, including us...
Excellentstyleof the carcoupled withpowerful engine, whichprovidea combination forcompetition, led by theDodgeChallengercan bedifficultto overtake.
Here is an overviewtohow nextmodelcould look likeandwhat they wouldhaveto adoptnew.
The lookisinspired bythe modelC7Corvette. Youcanseethe influence ofMichael McGee'sconcept, whichappearedearlier this year, ashis eyesighttohow Camaroshould look like.
The front partwasacceptedlastChevroletdesign changes, when the grid isdivided into two parts, leaving quite an impressionat first sight. Newheadlightsare continuingonthe longhoodandfendersthat look likeC7model. In the samelineextendingthroughthe doorby the end ofthe body.
Interior designhas always beensolidin thesemodels, butthere isalways roomforimprovement. Transparency issomething thatthepeopleparticularlycomplain. All of thesehave triedto correct, and the result you can seein the pictures.
The new generation ofengineswillprobablybesimilar tothe competition, 3.6enginewith6or8cylinders, and is expected to be2.0turbo4-cylinderoption. Connected tothemis likely to beseven-speedmanual transmissionandeight-speedautomatic transmission, withrear-wheel drive.
Do not expectto get backthe beastfrom the modelZ/287.0, butvariants ofthe twin-turbo6.2 V8LT1engine, similar to the onein theC7.
This detail is still unannounced, but don’t expect any numbers lower
than the cost of the current model, which starts from $24,550.
Unlessyouliveunder a rock, you do not knowwhothe competition are. The legendaryshowdownthat beganin 1967, in responseto theMustang, Chevrolet, remains eventoday. There is aDodgeChallenger, which has just receivedcosmeticchangesandlooks betterthan ever.
It is expected thatthecoupeandconvertibleversionsappearat the end of2015or early2016.Until then, seeone of the possibleappearanceof thecar,alleagerly await.
Lambo from Vorsteiner is pure car porn
California-tuning houses, mostly known for revisions of BMW cars, in
recent years switched to the more exotic specimens vehicles. Thus,
among their "elite" also found that Italian beauty that in its original form
attracts attention, but the team from vorsteiner decent upgrades raise
the appearance of the Aventador to the new level. We know, many would say that there is simply no need for any
interventions on this supercar when it leaves the factory, but we must admit that we are very like the end result. As
for the mechanical part, under the bonnet hides V12 "heart" in an
entirely original one, and we are sure that 690 horses and a maximum
of 320 km / h have been enough to provide you with enough excitement
and quite a solid amount of adrenaline when you press the gas pedal. But
on what is immediately noticeable change in appearance, and they
include a completely new front bumper, rear spoiler and sills made of
carbon fiber finished with a high gloss. Of course, we must not forget the new wheels are also made of carbon fiber. Do
not rest only on the exterior transformations, from Vorteinera have announced the possibility of additions to increase strength.But, who really needs it?