Divorce Advice For Men: 10 Top Divorce Attorneys Tell All

Everyone has an opinion on how to get through divorce. Everyone who’s had a bad relationship is an expert. For men today, there's little room for error and we need all the help that we can get. Before the swarm of unsolicited opinions become confusing; we reached out to 10 of the Top Divorce Attorneys in the country to find out what men facing divorce need to know. Every divorce is different, but these experts have SEEN IT ALL!

Carson J. Tucker, JD, MSEL
Law Offices of Carson J. Tucker, JD, MSEL

"My primary advice would be to make sure the moment you know that it’s about to happen, you make every effort to protect your property and finances (money). Don’t get cleaned out before you have to mount a defense."


Holli T. Dean, Esquire
Law Office of David M. Goldman PLLC

"Most men I encounter in divorce cases are very surprised or caught off guard when their spouse files for divorce or asks for a divorce. A lot of men are understandably upset and have a tendency to agree to things their spouse wants without fully exploring their rights with an attorney. Even if the divorce is amicable, have an attorney review any documents before you sign anything. Once a decree is signed by the Judge, it is extremely hard to go back and change something after the fact. This is especially true if there are children involved. Also important is that men frequently do not keep important documents in their possession. Before filing for divorce or as soon as possible after, gather copies of legal documents, bills, birth certificates, accounts, etc. so you will not have to track those down later."


Donald J. Neville
Law Office of Donald J. Neville

"Stand your ground. Most men have a belief the system is designed to favor the women. This is not true.  The system is designed to favor consistency, stability and fairness.  If you develop a plan with these 3 goals you will end up with a positive result."


Bruce A. Sucher
Sucher Law Firm, PLLC

 "Stay off social media about your marital life & any relationships you're forming, separate all banking accounts & credit cards, keep your mouth shut & take care of your children & don't abandon the house. "


Blake P. Lipman
Law Office Of Blake Lipman

"I would advise them to keep their cool, not act impulsively or out of anger or emotion. If they have children, make their children a priority and not use them as a weapon in the divorce. This is better for them strategically in the litigation and to have a happier post-divorce life."


Elizabeth Amaran
Amaran Law Group

"Be kind. And always remember the reason why you married her in her first place. Try to end the relationship the same way you started it, especially if there are children in the middle. "


Dorothy F. Easley, M.S., J.D., BCS Appeals
Easley Appellate Practice

"As an appellate specialist who works regularly in the trial court with family law attorneys, I have two immediate recommendation in dissolution matters. The first is to protect your assets and make your marital settlement agreements as specific as you possibly can regarding all marital and non-marital assets to ensure that you can move on and forward with your life with the least disruption in your financial and family security. That may seem obvious, but an appellate specialist can see at the end of a dissolution matter how hard hit fathers can be if they do not ensure that this advice is carefully followed and I have observed woefully inadequate marital settlement agreements that resulted in years of additional litigation that could have been avoided. Appellate specialists can help trial counsel with those issues. The second piece of advice I would offer anyone is to make sure that "supportive relationship" is well defined in any marital settlement agreement so that future support can be readily modified without expensive litigation and risk of someone else's interpretation."

Donald C. Wheaton, Jr.
“The Lawyer Who Makes House Calls”

"If you have children, don’t move out; find a way to co-exist in the marital residence, so there can be less of a chance of accusations of abandonment or that the established custodial environment has changed. And for goodness’ sake, be prepared to hit the “record” button on your phone so that if there is ever a situation where police are called to respond to alleged domestic violence, you have a recording of some sort to verify your version of events."


Dalia Kejbou
Kejbou Law

"If you have children, don’t move out; find a way to co-exist in the marital residence, so there can be less of a chance of accusations of abandonment or that the established custodial environment has changed. And for goodness’ sake, be prepared to hit the “record” button on your phone so that if there is ever a situation where police are called to respond to alleged domestic violence, you have a recording of some sort to verify your version of events."

Bo Schimers
The Law Offices of Bo Schimers & Associates
"Don’t put yourself in a situation where a phony domestic violence charge can be made against you. Keep some liquid assets on hand - grease works wonders in a lot of situations. Up your game in taking care of the children and keep a diary. Don’t work overtime. Don’t contribute to your 401(k)."


The Bottom Line From The Expert Divorce Attorneys

I personally learned a lot and took away some key points that'll support any guy's case.

1.    Protect your property & finances.
2.    No matter how "simple" you assume your case to be, let an attorney review your documents.
3.    Start gathering the necessary documentations ASAP.
4.    The system DOESN'T favor women.
5.    Stay off social media.
6.    Don't leave the house.
7.    Don't act impulsively and be kind.
8.    Make sure that a "supportive relationship" is defined in your divorce decree.
9.    Record everything.
10.    Up your game in taking care of your children.

Hope you've also found this advice helpful and you feel more prepared for your case.

I’m heartily thankful to every divorce lawyer who contributed and shared their vast experience. I'm very appreciative of their insight and recommend reaching out to them directly if you have any specific questions or divorce needs.

Additionally, you can get most of these details and more in my book, MENy Calculations: Win Divorce & Custody Before You Even Step Into Court (Vol 1). My book delivers practical divorce help for men. All men - not just fathers seeking child custody. This book was purposely written to support an under-advised population of guys on their gravely road ahead - told the way I’d tell a buddy in need. So, let’s grab a drink, one on one, talk preparation, strategy and get you some financial help in the process. We’ve got a lot to talk about.

J. Alfa Mais (JAM)


Men who marry chubby women are happier and live longer

In a recent study conducted by the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a research was carried out to investigate success and happiness in certain marriages. Different things were taken into account such as a partner's age, where they lived and such, but one thing was particularly remarkable for the researchers. An interesting connection was found in a large number of men who stated that they were in a happy marriage.

Surveys have shown that men who are in relationship with chubby women are 10 times happier, and researchers know why.

When the psychological profiles of women who are chubby were made, certain characteristics were found that perfectly fit male, which further leads to a successful and happy marriage:

- Chubby women have proved to be better wives, because they have a stronger ability to anticipate what their husbands need, making them happy and satisfied.

- They value their men much more.

- They showed themselves as more faithful and more responsible wives.

- They are less aggressive than thinner women.

- They are more independent and more comfortable with children.

It is these characteristics that show that chubby women have what they need to be perfect wives. Of course, this does not mean that every chubby women will be good, and every skinny woman will be a bad partner, but if we believe in research, you will have more happiness with chubby women.


Here's what women want you to get them for the New Year

The time for gifts and New Year's celebrations is approaching, which means that we will have to afford something nice to our better half. Every year we go through the same troubled period and we are always wondering, "What do I buy her now?"

We are always trying to stay creative and original and to give our girls something they do not expect, but it often happens that we are screwing up and buying something
which we really should not have bought. That's why we decided to ask girls what they wanted and what they would like to get from their guys as a New Year gift.

Here's what they said:

1. Travel
The most votes went on a travel. Girls in most cases said they would love to go with their boyfriend somewhere and spend New Year holidays on some famous tourist destination.

2. Pet
Nothing is more beautiful than when you donate a sweet and memorable pet to someone. If your girlfriend has no conditions for a cat or dog, you can always give her a parrot or hamster. 

3. Romantic dinner
Women expressed their desire and said they would like to go with their favorite men to a fine and romantic dinner at a luxury restaurant because they think it's a perfect New Year's Eve.

4. A creative gift you made yourself
Many of the girls surveyed said they liked it when a man make effort about presents and that it was a true sign of love and attention. That's why you do not need to focus on something expensive and glamorous, you can only show her your effort and time. If you do, you can be sure she appreciates it.  

5. Perfume
The girls said that the new perfume is always welcome and perfume is always a good choice, so if you do not have any other ideas, you will not make a mistake with the perfume. 


Managing Mental Health in College

Living with mental health problems is never easy, add the stress of deadlines, grades and projects and many students can feel over faced and daunted by college demands. There may not have been a lot of talk about mental health a few years ago. Yet, awareness of depression, anxiety, stress and other commonly diagnosed mental health problems is increasing. And many colleges and universities are now actively trying to support students who may be experiencing these issues.

How to Manage Your Mental Health

Managing your mental health isn’t all too different from managing your physical health. It is important to understand that both mental and health fluctuate, and any one can suffer from mental health issues – just as any one can pick up on a common cold. When signs of mental illness start to manifest, many students believe that powering through their deadlines is the only option they have. Yet, it is important to put your mental health first and give yourself ample time to ensure you are practicing self-care and not exacerbating your condition.

While expressions such as “what have you got to be depressed about?” aren’t heard as much as they used to, many students still feel as though they are not entitled to be burdened by mental health issues. But in reality, the lifestyle changes which students make when they start college are often mentally taxing. Being far away from friends, family and familiar surroundings can all take their toll.

Recognising that you are suffering from a mental health problem is the first step, the second is to reach out for help and support; which many colleges and universities are now offering to students. This help may come in the form of Mental Health teams which are able to make reasonable adjustments to your study life. This can include extending deadlines or offering additional study support. There are also external companies who can help you with your essay writing to help you stay on top of your deadlines.

There are several key ways to boost your wellbeing in addition to receiving academic support.

This includes ensuring that you are looking after your physical health, eating healthy and getting enough exercise. Exercise is proven to boost your serotonin, whilst the right diet will ensure you have enough energy to tackle the daily demands of college life.

Being active is important, and so is being social, there are plenty of ways college campuses try to encourage healthy social lives of students. Meeting like minded people is an important part of the college experience, so try to put a support network around you who you are comfortable talking to about your mental health issues. You’ll be surprised at how many other students feel the same way!

And remember, not all stress is bad for you. It’s okay to feel stressed out, feeling stress or anxiety about your academic life is natural. After you’ve invested so much time and money trying to get the good grades and make the most out of your college experience.


Facts about health that every man should know

We highlight eight facts about the health that every man has to know:

1. Only 30% of the state of health is conditioned by genetics.

2. 70% of the state of health depends on the way of life.

3. Men who drink no more than 4 to 10 alcoholic beverages weekly have a lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes. If you drink more than 10 drinks per week, this risk is almost doubled.

4. Men who climb 50 steps or walk at least 500 meters a day reduce the risk of heart attack by 25%.

5. Mentally inactive men for 60% more suffer from depression.

6. Men sleeping at night for 7-8 hours have a 60% lower risk of fatal heart attack outcome than those who sleep less than 5 hours.

7. Nothing simpler! Your 5-7 portion of fruits and vegetables is the same as one glass of orange juice, one potato, big carrot, half avocado and apple.

8. Erectile dysfunction may signal early cardiovascular disease. 


This is the most expensive motorcycle in the world

The Swiss watch manufacturer, Bucherer, has become a partner with the Bündnerbike tuning workshop to present an incredibly luxurious approach to designing an iconic Harley-Davidson motorcycle ...

The outcome of the collaboration comes in the form of the Harley-Davidson Blue Edition model, according to all the data, currently the most expensive new motorcycle in the world, worth $ 1.88 million. The first thing to notice is the incredible deep blue shade of this two-wheeler made by applying six layers of paint over specially protected silver metal.

In its assembly there are 360 diamonds and gold-coated markings screwed onto the tank, which has an unique Bucherer watch, on which dials the drive elements of this motorcycle are included.

Bucherer's jewelery also decorate hand-holds, containing 5.40 carat diamonds housed in reinforced glass dome tops, and are set just so that things become even more glittering, if they were not already enough, each detail is manually created, with a total of 2,500 operating hours, as needed to compile this limited line.

Bucherer also adds 16 unique watches to the line to mark this incredible and unusual collaboration.



Ridley Scott announces the Gladiator Sequel

Director Ridley Scott has allegedly started working on the story of the beloved movie, which won the award as the best film, while the main actor, Rasel Krou, received the Best Actor Award.
As you probably recall, the character played by Rasel Crow, Maximus Decimus Meridius, has walked through the fields of afterlife in order to reunite with his wife and son. Unless the film's action takes place in the underworld, it is not very likely that Crowe will again play his heroic role.

Instead, the sequel focuses on the story of Lucius, son of Lusila (Koni Nilsen) and nephew of Komodus (Hoakin Phoenix), a cowardly Emperor who killed his father, Marcus Aurelius, in order to seize the throne. Those who remember the film will recall that as a gladiator, Maximus left a powerful impression on Lucius, which sparked jealousy and the rage of Komodus. At the end of the film, Maximus saves Lucille and Lucius, before confronting Komodus in the arena.

The sequel is managed by Ridley Scott and his Scott Free Production Company, if it's to believe the claims of numerous magazines, Scott will direct this film, while Peter Craig, who worked on two movies from the Hunger Games series, will get the role of screenwriter.

While the original film is the work of Dreamworks, they are not interested in continuing to continue, so Paramount, according to sources, will do it.

Ridley Scott is currently working on his first TV series, Raised by Wolves. He also has several other ongoing films, including a film about the formative years of the young wizard Merlin, so we'll probably have to wait a bit for the Gladiator sequel. 

The first part of this film earned $ 460 million worldwide, as well as five Oscars, so this is not the first time to talk about it. The legendary singer and writer, Nick Cave, prepared his sequel in which Maximus returns from the dead thanks to the body of a murdered Christian martyr. As Nik says: Rusel called me and asked if I wanted to write Gladiator 2. For someone who had only one movie script before that, it was a big task. I asked him, "Hey, didn't you die in that movie?" Where he said "Yes, yes, fix it".


Bring Water Back Into Your Life On A Daily Basis For A Better Life

Do you take water for granted on a daily basis? More than likely if you live in a first world country you simply turn on the tap and can fill up a glass or tub of water as often as you like. Due to the fact that we have a seemingly never-ending supply it is easy to forget how essential it is to daily life. Our brain is composed of 75% water and earth surface is composed of 71%. Looking at those numbers you can understand that that is a lot of water.

For such a common element, it is an absolutely essential part of our lives.

The Historical Aspect Of Water

Let's turn back the hands of times and start at the very beginning, the evolution of sea creatures. There once was a time when we slithered out of the water for the first time and began to grow appendages that would let us traverse the lands. However, we would continues to stay close to the waters. Scientists believe that it is due to our aquatic diet which was rich in omega three fatty acids help to develop our brains and allowed us to progress through evolution.

Let's skip forward several thousand years and we know that societies begin to live and thrive by water. Fishing was always an essential part of early societies and as the societies of all the waterways provided opportunities for trade and transportation.

While the waterfront may not be a substantial aspect of living it is still an enjoyable aspect of our living today. Consider how much oceanview properties cost in the real estate market! Tab l to being near water ikewise, a vast majority of people who do not live near the wa to being near water to vacation near the water.

The Absolute Benefits Of Water

While there are many physical benefits of water that includes allowing us to stay hydrated and moisturize skin there are also many psychological benefits as well.

The Sound Of a Water

Various studies have shown that there is a positive impact on our mental health by being close to water. It would seem that the minerals in the air and water reduce the amount of stress on the body. The negative ions that are around the water increase the flow of oxygen to the brain thereby increasing and improving mental energy and awareness. In addition, the salt that is contained in the water and air helps to preserve serotonin, melatonin, and tryptamine which all help to allow for better rest and a general feeling of well-being.

The sound order has also been shown to improve our mental health. Years order has been used as a solution to create a soothing atmosphere for the human mind. It is believed that the rhythm of water in the tides have the ability to affect the rhythm of our own moral waves within the brain which help to encourage a peaceful process of thought patterns.

Scientists have also referred to sound water as white noise in which individuals can hear any number of things within the sound and we are able to allow our thoughts flow naturally. Listening to the sounds during the process of meditation we are able to get lost in the sensation and truly focus on nothing.

One feeling that we can truly understand while we're at sea or a lake is the feeling of genuine awe. Tab there is just something about the beauty and serenity of water that affects us like few other things on this planet. Science is shown that this feeling can lead to general behaviors such as kindness and magnanimity.

In fact, it is believed that this feeling can lead to a general sense of satisfaction in life. It helps to offer that life is plentiful and in general people tend to donate more to charity than worrying about their own possessions.

How To Bring Water To Your Daily Life

We all know that it is not possible to take a drive to the ocean just to feel better about ourselves, this is especially true dependent upon your geographic position. However, there are some simple ways which you can bring the power of water to your daily life and help improve how you feel. You could get a feature in the home - if this is an option then consider Soothing Company's guidebook on indoor fountains.

Is Water In Your Home Or Office?

One of the simplest ways to bring water into your home or office is through the use of foul or fish tank. This simple step has the ability to drowned out all of the background noise such as traffic and people and allow you to feel as though you're outdoors

Water Before Bed

Look online or purchase a CD that offers the sounds of natural water, such as a rain forest or ocean. You see sounds before you go to sleep as it will help to relax you and offer a much better rest.

Enjoy The Benefits Of The Spa

Steam in warm water the ability to offer several benefits to your aching and tired body. This is one of the reasons you see steam rooms and hot and cold pools at many spas. However, if you do not have the luxury of enjoying a day of the spa the same affect can be created at home with a warm soak in the tub or a hot shower. In fact, by simply running water in your home will help to create the same negative ions as the ocean and will boost your mental energy.

Seaside Vacations

Whether you choose to spend a weekend at the beach or a day hike in to a spectacular waterfall, it is more than worth that to enjoy nature to enjoy the soothing effects. Remember how we talked about the effects of beautiful surroundings and our mental status.

It is so easy to overlook the many benefits of water we receive on a daily basis, however it is essential that we pay attention and bring in as much water to our daily lives as possible.


The hairy chest is back in style!

As you know, in recent years male hair were not trendy, so a large number of men decided to remove them, whether by wax, shaver, cream or epilation that is permanent. Still, in all likelihood, the hairy chest are now more popular than ever, and the trend of showing up with the masculine element has been revived.

It is not very clear why this trend comes back in fashion when it comes to cultivation culture. Last year, advocates of the trend of hairlessness were ready to declare this trend officially dead. The millennial's accepted these news virtually with joy, because they wanted to be in touch with their feminine side, or something like that. The athletes removed even more hair from their body to be more aerodynamic.

Nevertheless, as now is popular life in line with nature and a more natural look, the hairy chest perfectly follow the whole story. If by any chance you feel that natural hairy chests are not a scene that is attractive, then you can decorate it with a medallion that will pick up all the attention. 

Lovers of retro culture want to be recognized as part of the responsibility for this trend, because they have pointed out the beauty and masculinity of Burt Reynolds, for example, and other male figures who adhered to this trend.
Now, more and more popular people, like Kanye West, Robbie Williams and Harry Styles publicly and proudly wear little on their chests, wearing unbuttoned shirt and jewelry around the neck. Fashion lovers naturally claim that all this has to do with the return of the fashion of the seventies, which we could see during fashion shows held in Paris, London, Milan and New York. 

Icons like Dolce & Gabbana and Versace offered us this retro glamor, in the form of bell bottom pants and similar pieces. With them in our corner, we can freely say that real men get their five minutes of fame again. Make good use of it. 


Hot girls in sexy lingerie

In today's photo gallery there are very sexy and tempting women who will raise your blood pressure. Enjoy photos of women who lingerie fits perfectly. Sexy women look best when they are in a design tempting intimate lingerie. We believe you will enjoy these beautiful women.


Studies have shown: women are into nerds

Before we begin to talk about this topic and the results that recent research has shown, we first have to explain what the word "nerd" means. Nerd  is often used in a negative context for people who enjoys learning, who are not social, wearing glasses, don't like sports and are weird. However, nerds are actually people who are focused on learning, who want to complete all their tasks and who are trying to be perfectionists in every field.

Precisely because of these characteristics, nerds become women's favorites. The latest research in the UK has shown that girls are increasingly looking for boys who are nerds and who have the characteristics of this group of people. Young girls said that nerds are mostly emotional, sensitive, trying to understand girls and that they are not all about lifting weights and fast cars. Research has also shown that nerds are far more loyal, and that's one of the reasons why they mostly manage to create long and strong love relationships.

Girls and women said that  physical appearance is important, but that they would be with a man if he showed that he is intelligent, successful, working, and that he is someone who is sensitive and who understood his women and his environment. 

So, guys, appearance it's not everything, there's something in the head. So do not be ashamed if you are someone who loves to read, wear glasses, or if you do not have carved six pack like Michelangelo's David, because you can get girls with your charm, intellect and emotions. 


Amazing 3D Tattoos That Will Make You Look Twice

Tattoos are very popular, especially in the younger population, and it does not surprise us that they are slowly becoming a popular fashion style. There are more and more celebrities with tattoos, and most importantly, they are not afraid to show them. Famous actors and actresses such as Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie and others, proudly carry their tattoos.

So, tattoos are nothing bad, they are a kind of art that is on a special canvas, your skin. If you are unsure whether to do a tattoo or not, do not be afraid, we will help you.

We've already shown you a gallery with the best 3D tattoos, but now we've come across a masterpiece for which you will stare at the monitor. The creator of these art 3D tattoos is a man named Jesse Rix, who is known for making incredibly realistic and confusing tattoos. He decided to show his works to the world via the popular "Bored Panda" website, so he hung up a very interesting gallery. In just a few hours, Jess has become a real internet sensation, and when you look at the gallery, you will understand why. 

You can see more cool 3D tattoos on his Instagram profile: Jesse Rix


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