Unite against bra!
It was enough! Since when is that evil invention called a bra emerged, even the most beautiful woman's breasts, the girls hide and restrict their beauty and form. Well, if you ask us, we are against it! We do not want them to be restrained! We do not want them to be hidden behind lace, sports, push-ups and other evil creations! We want them to be happy! We want to be free !!! Join our campaign and make your beauties to spend a weekend with no bra!!!
The future is here, finally invented a hoverboard
If you are like us and fans of the trilogy "Back to the Future," we are sure that along with the inimitable DeLorean that Marty travels in time, in your mind stayed another incredibly "cool" gadget from the future. Floating board or "hoverboard" with whom Marty escapes Biff and his small group of thugs in the second part of the trilogy, has just become a reality. Okay, maybe not now, not in exactly the same form, but the first instance gives us a hint that we expect in the near future rather interesting things as far as floating personal transportation.
Although there has been countless attempts to production, and even a few prank, the company Arx Pax has finally managed to produce the first true "floating pad" and the public was presented under the name of the HENDO. We're pretty excited, because this is a feature that is floating an inch off the ground and on it can carry loads up to 140 pounds, which means that it can carry you and even if you have a little "stronger bones".
A board with the help of four electromagnets creates a field that allows her to raise into the air when it is above the metal that does not contain iron, such as aluminum, barracks, nickel and related metals, which is similar to the way Japanese superfast train "Shinkansen" works. For now board can float only fifteen minutes, but from the company Arx Pax stated that every day progress and update the technology, but we can hope that there is a possibility that through a few years everyone will be using this timber for boards and entertainment.
We must admit that we like how it looks in the video that we bring you below, and we are sure that we are not alone with this opinion. But floating board Hendo is just the beginning, because with the further development of this technology, who knows what awaits us in the future.
This is the future of porn!
The new gadgets will enable three-dimensional watching porn and "action" in the same, and all with the impression as if we were there in the porno!
After we saw the first porn game "groping breasts" with 3D equipment, it was clear that pornography relies on a virtual reality! Virtual reality is the future of porn, because porno content will be offered through the "helmet", which will put us at the center of events.
These helmets you can buy today, and the latest Gear VR we tried at IFA in Berlin - we didn't watched porn, but considering the fact that we are intensely experienced several movie videos, we can only imagine how realistic movies for adults to be!
In addition to helmets like Gear VR or Oculus Rift will allow you to enjoy the porn to a whole new way, this new world will allow us to interact with virtual and unreal, imaginary characters, which we will be able to create by our self. Suppose, blonde hair, leather pants or perhaps lace jumpsuit actress - imagination of the person who wears the helmet is the only "obstacle". According to the company SugarDVD we are only a few years away from a totally new way to enjoy porn movies! Who can not wait something like this?
For adults only
What was the day in which we can not enjoy pictures of beautiful girls of different sizes, races and curves? A sad day, that's what. For this reason, today we bring you another great gallery that will make this gloomy day a little flare. Enjoy!
5 tips for the perfect steak
You have no money for restaurants that serve steaks the size of your head, but still do not want to oppress to enjoy this meat satisfaction?
T-bone steak was named after the distinctive appearance, or bones in the middle of forming this letter of the alphabet. Looking at the professional, butchers hand, it is a steak that covers part of beef ramstek with steak.
Check thickness of the steaks
T-bone is best prepared on the grill so that the outer part is nicely caramelized and the inside bloody or medium-well-done. When looking at his butcher's steak, choose one of five centimeters thick (2 inches). For a thinner steak is almost impossible to achieve this harmony browning and juiciness of meat.
Choose greasier
Do not forget to include the sense of sight when searching for the perfect steak. Do you want a perfect taste of the meat from the grill - look for fat on your T-bone steak. Specifically, looking for a high intersection meat white fat (intramuscular fat) because it will help find the right one taste of steak grilled.
A quality piece of meat like a T-bone steak does not need more seasoning with salt and pepper. Although there are two opposing currents when tugged question salting (before or after baking), we will defer to that advocated by well covering the steak with salt for about 45 minutes before baking, to spice out excess water, 'entered' into the meat steak and soften it . Remember, it was really a beef.
Baking with thermometer
Do you have a favorite technique of roasting meat on the grill? Experts agree that there are three different styles of baking steak and all include a thermometer. We recommend the simplest one, which delivers excellent results. Place the steak on the hottest part of the grilles to make it caramelize and 'close' to him all sides. To get the best possible crust, use this trick: turn the steak every 30 seconds to baked equally from all sides. When the meat takes on a brownish color, move it to a cooler part of the grid and allow to bake until it reaches the optimal temperature. You'll know you've made a medium rare steak, if the temperature in the middle slice shows from 60 to 65 degrees Celsius. Well-done steak will exceed this temperature while you bloody steak identified by the temperature of 52 to 55 degrees Celsius.
Serving after rest break
Do not cut into the meat steak immediately after removing from the grill, as you will 'leak' all the juiciness. Instead steak wrap in aluminum foil and let it "rest" for about ten minutes (or fifty percent of the total cooking time) in order to stabilize the juices.