Bikini Beans Espresso - cafe where waitresses are almost naked
UniquecafeinWashingtondecidedin a special wayto dragthe guests todrinkcoffeewith them.Thestaffarehalf-nakedgirls whowillbe happytotalkwith youwhileyou drinkyourespresso.
BikiniBeansEspresso,whichalsohas operationsin Arizona,employsgirls whoarewilling tobea littlelighterdressedat work.Someclaim thatit is verycontroversial,butthe owner CarlieJostillhasnothing but praisefromguestswho enjoythisform ofbusiness.
The owneralsosays thatshe wants girls tofeel more secureinthemselvesandthat this is nothumiliatingforthem.
Would youvisitthiscafe?
Oh yes, in the picturesisthe owner.🙂
What happens to a man when he marries
Fear ofmarriageis a phenomenonthat occurs inmanymen.Many thinkthat it willlosea lotandthatwill no longerbe free.Those whoare marriedsay thatafterthis actallthe joystops.Womenandchildrenbecome the focus ofall, themoneydisappearbefore your eyes,and youslowlystarttobecomethe manthatyouoncelaughed. Of course,this say some guys,while others claimthat marriage isthe best thing thatcan happen toa man.However,we decidedto present youfunnyandinterestingillustrationsthat showwhat happens to menwho are married. We believethat manyagreewiththesedrawings.
Funny Chinese Translation Fails Made Us Laugh Hard
Compound of Chinese andEnglish language,which has becomeworldfamousbecauseof Google'stranslator, the OxfordDictionarydefines itas follows:
"CompoundChineseand English;especially:a variant ofthe English languageused byspeakersof Chineseorbilingualspeakersof Chineseand Englishin anotherenvironment,usuallyusingChinesevocabularyandlinguisticstructure,orthe Englishtermscharacteristicfor the Chineseenvironment." We will notlist all thedifferencesbetweenthese two languages(sinceitistoo much,anddo not haveenoughspace),butit isenough to say thatthe ChineseandEnglish languageusedtwo completely differentletters(ideogramsagainst thealphabet)andexpresstimein different ways,whichcouldcause serious(butoftenveryfunny)mistakes.
Below you willfinda collection ofthe funniestphotos taken(mostly)inChinese restaurantsthat have been shownChineseideogramsandtheir"translation"into English,whichusuallysounds weirdandfunny.
Here's how you can generate a 3D hologram with your smartphone
Today technological innovation and the application allows us to follow up the latest trends with our smartphone. But if you want from to create phone a 3D projector, you can do it yourselves without the applications or giving money.
All the necessary things for it, you probably have at home.
You need paper, CD boxes, duct tape or glue, pencil, scissors, a smart phone, a knife or cutter of glass.
In the video, see how to build a projector of those materials: