Russian Police Launch Beauty Pageant For Female Officers
It may sounda littleunusual,but theRussian policeisreallylaunchedbeauty contestforitsemployees.Their goal,they say,show thatall women arestrongandbeautiful.
Applicationsburied theadministrationandbarelywaiting forthe real competition.The names of thefinalistsare:KristinaLuneva,ViktoriyaKrivosheeva,Elizavetacadets,KristinaShubin,AnnaSergeeva,KarinaKuznetsova,MilanErbulat,IrinaLebedeva.
Well, we hopethat soonsomething like thattake placeinother countries.
Best Knockouts Of 2016
This year has been really great for the world of martial arts, and we have seen some great knockouts ... According to UFC president Dana White, never leave the fight in the hands of the judge, and the people we are presenting this time, certainly didn't do that. We decided to present you the best knockouts of the year. Enjoy ...
How to make a Pizza cake
Pizza is without doubt one of the most popular small dishes in the world and probably the oldest fast-food meal in the world. Pizzas are made in Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries, widely sold on the streets and in bakeries and eating at any time of the day.
While they were in America long ate only immigrant Italians, after World War II pizzas have stormed the palates and hearts of all Americans and became their national dish.
Pizzas are the most popular dish in the world, so no wonder that 9 February celebrated the International Day of pizza. Well, enough claptrap about history - we now bring you the instructions on how to make 'Pizza cake'!
It is not necessary to write you a recipe because every real man immediately after watching this video will understand what to do and how to do this at home! Isn't it? 😉
Science Confirms: moderate consumption of beer can prolong life
Beerhas a positive effecton your health.At least,according to expertswho have recentlyconducted a studyof 80,000adults.
In adultswho dranka glassor twoof beerper daywas recorded a lower risk ofheart attackandcardiovascular disease.Incorporatingcomparison of peoplewho drankbeerandthose whodon't,andit was concludedthat thethosewho drinkrecordedlowerratesof heart attacks.
Also,anotherstudyon27,000menof middle ageclaims thatmoderatebeer drinkingreducesthe risk ofkidney stones.Every abeera daycut the riskby as much as40%.
Beercontains elementsthat positivelyaffectyourbones, making themmore powerful.Harvard researchersstudiedmen,even38,000of them,who drinkoneortwo beersa dayandfind out thatreducethe risk of developingtype 2 diabetesby 25%.
Some theories,thoughnotexactlyproven,words thatbeerreduces the risk ofdeveloping Alzheimer's disease.And finally,the lastadvantageof beertreatment of insomniaas itcomestostimulating theproductionof dopamine, which leadsto relaxation.However,it should be rememberedthat theemphasisonmoderateconsumptionof beer.Whatiscertainlyreasontohave oneor two.😉
How to recognize a woman who needs sex?
When a woman isconstantlynervous,usuallyjokinglysays thatshe neededsex.
However,there are a numberof facts thatcangiveyouclearlyknow thatabstinencegrippedher life. By nowyouprobably alreadyknow all thebenefitsof sex, and the wholepoint of thisintimateact, firstenjoymentand thenbetter health, the pleasurewhichaerate, a smileon face andjusta good feeling.
However, justas itrecognizes thatsexdoes not lackin someone life, alsoshowsthatabstinence is in its infancy.There are manysignsthat revealthat a womanbegsformentotouch her and didn't have sex a longtime.Ifyou'rethe least bitlost in aher behavior, it's easy todiscover whether she is in crisisor having agood sex life.
It's up to you torecognizethis, and if is the"droughtseason",you may be ableto dosomethingabout it.Physicalsignsof abstinence:
Drowsiness-Due to lack ofnaturalsedatives-the hormone oxytocin,which is secretedduring orgasm,womencan beimplementedsleepless nights,rolling on thebed.
Olderappearance-collagen,whichis producedduringregularsexmakes the skin softand silky.Due to lack ofcollagenwomenmay lookolderthan it is.Progesterone,whichthe body producesduring sex,removesacneon her face.
A womanwho needsSexrevealsher conduct-torturingtheothers.The lack ofendorphinsaffect theperception of the worldaround her.Oftentakingpain medication.Women whoarehaving sexmore often don't haveproblemswith a lackof oxytocin.During sexhormoneoxytocinissecreted,which actssuch as morphine,andrelieves painandcramps.
She is alwayssickly-Intimate relationshipsincrease the amount ofantiviralantibodiesto30percent.Regularlyforgetseverything.Sexaffects theimprovement of blood circulationandbetter circulationmeansbetterfunctioning of the brain,improves memoryandlearning new things.
Unsatisfiedwithitself-Lackof sexmay havethe greatest influence onself-esteem, andwomen whodo not havesexoften, do not havefaith inthemselves andare constantlydissatisfiedwith themselves and theirappearance.
Erika Canela is Brazil's Miss BumBum 2016
Brazilianshave decided tochoosea new2016 MissBumBum,or the best booty of the world!
Brazilchoicefor the girlwiththe most challengingbackgroundthese dayshas been successfully completed.In the competitioncalledMissBumbumheld inthisSouth American country,the jury chosethe girlwith the best booty,and this year title took24-year-oldErika Canela.Besides thetitle,themedical studentis richerfor15,000US dollars.
NewMissBumBum for 2016 isgorgeousEricaCanelawhich leftjury speechless.SuzyCortez (last year winner)wasknown foroften taking naked pictures for the playersof Barcelona,butEricatoldthat she willbe evenmore brutal.
Sheis afaithfulfanof Corinthians,butalsolikesBarcelona.Ericahasannounced that she will make "hot"photos forMessi,buthewill not bethe only one.Ericaadmittedthat she is a big fan ofthePresident of Russia,Vladimir Putin.
Without further ado, see a girls who arethis year"exhibited"ther curvesin this competition:
Scientists Have Finally Discovered Exactly How Long Sex Should Last
Men and womenoftendiscusshow much timeitshouldtakethe perfectsexual intercourse.The most extensiveresearchon this subjecthas shownhow muchshould actuallylasts.
DoctorBrendan Zietschfrom the University ofQueenslandasserts thatthe bestinformation on the"strength"in the bedroombringsresearchpublished in the journal"TheJournal of Sexual Medicine".
Itisfollowed by thesexual behaviorof 500couplesin stable relationshipslonger thansix monthsin Norway,Great Britain, Spain,Turkeyand the United Statesfor fourweeks.
Couplesmeasuredtime with stop watchesduring sexual intercoursefrompenetration to ejaculation.It turned outthat theaverage time ofsexual intercoursewithoutforeplaywas 5.4minutesin these countries."
The fasteston the drawwere theTurks,whoseaverageratiowas 3.7minutes,while the menfrom other countriescouldwithstand theusualsix to seven minutes.The study foundthatyoung menweremore durable,sothe guysfrom 18 to30 years of agelastedon average6.5minutes,while thesexof men older than51lastedabout 4.3minutes.
Surprisingly, the study showedthat the useof condomsdoes not significantly affectthe lengthof sex,as well as(not)circumcisionof male sexual organ.Thosewho have decidedtocircumcisehadsexual intercoursewith an average durationof sixminutes,and"uncircumcised"lasted6.7minutes, whichexperts considera negligibledifference.
Things That Happen When Daddy Is Left Alone With The Baby
Here's agallery thatwillbring a smileto your face.These are thefunniestfatherswhoevery dayhavenew adventureswith their children.Theyare funandclumsyandsometimesworse than theirchildren.Thesefathersknow howto cheer upand transfer theirpositivespirittotheir children.