The hottest sex scenes we've ever seen in movies

Sexuality, romance and erotica have long been central themes in cinematic storytelling.

Hollywood, as a major center of global entertainment, responds to the public's desire for stories involving romance, attraction and physical intimacy. In fact, movies that include sex in their plot often attract more people to the theaters, because they stimulate the imagination, or at least it was like that in the glorious 90s, when sex scenes were not particularly censored.

Although many films try to capture the passion and excitement of the moment, they often fail, while there are masterpieces that we will never forget. Today we have compiled a list of the 8 best, most passionate, most touching and funniest sex scenes of all time.

1. Don't Look Now (1973)

Often in movies, the sex we see on screen is between two young, hot stars, usually played by Hollywood's hottest talent. We rarely see scenes of sex between older lovers, and this "rarity" was presented to the public by director Nicolas Roeg, in the psychological horror Don't Look Now, from 1973, with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie.

2. Ghost (1990)

It's strange how one of the strangest romantic films of all time ended up being one of the most influential in the genre, and the film hosts one of the most sensual and passionate cinematic scenes of all time.

3. Basic Instinct (1992)

We don't need to say much about Low Passions. This film broke new ground in the film world after it was released in 1992.

4. Mulholland Drive (2001)

David Lynch is the king of surreal filmmaking. In his masterpiece Mulholland Drive we see something we have never seen before that plays with the boundaries of reality and fantasy.

5. Team America: World Police (2004)

Although sex is usually romantic and sensual, sometimes it can also be incredibly funny, especially if you know your partner well. And no movie shows this better than Team America: World Police as Trey Parker pulls off one of the most absurd sex scenes of all time using nothing but... dolls.

6. Black Swan (2010)

Inspired by the 1997 thriller Perfect Blue, Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan, a psychological thriller about "insanity," gave us some steamy scenes with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis.

7. Blue Valentine (2010)

The 2010 drama Blue Valentine is so touching and so real that it really defies expectations of romance.

8. Blue is the Warmest Color (2013)

The sex scenes in Blue is the Warmest Color represent the fiery energy of youthful love and at the same time reflect the passionate love between the two protagonists.


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