Maps of the world that you will not see at school
You'll surely find something interesting for yourself.
Map of the world by the popularity of sport
Map of Europe, depending on the percentage of red-haired people
Map of the world before 200-300 millions years
How Europeans say beer
Map of freedom of speech and freedom of the media
Map with breast sizes
How Americans see Europe
How Americans see Asia
World map with the sizes of penis
Map of obesity
World map of favorite alcoholic beverages
Map of the world, depending on driving style - left or right
World map of countries that England tried to conquer
Map of intelligence
Map of attitude towards tourists
Map the most common surnames in Europe
Map the most beautiful people
Map of using social networks
Map of using a web browser
Map of the world with the number of children per family
Which countries do not use the metric system
Countries with McDonalds