What happens to a man when he marries

Fear of marriage is a phenomenon that occurs in many men. Many think that it will lose a lot and that will no longer be free. Those who are married say that after this act all the joy stops. Women and children become the focus of all, the money disappear before your eyes, and you slowly start to become the man that you once laughed.
Of course, this say some guys, while others claim that marriage is the best thing that can happen to a man. However, we decided to present you funny and interesting illustrations that show what happens to men who are married.
We believe that many agree with these drawings.


  1. Not all of this is accurate. My wife makes 3 times as much as I do. And If I want to eat, I feed myself.

    1. Sounds like you need a new wife.

  2. Not reccomended for your health theres a real risk 50 % chance you will lose big time all your hopes will be down the drain divorce and you wont have time to remember what you were . Do it at an age that your life isnt completely destroyed .

  3. I use to think marriage was a good thing. It only took my wife 10 years to prove me wrong.

  4. Marriage is the number one cause of divorce.

  5. I thought about marriage. Then I sobered up

  6. They say love is blind but marriage is the eye opener

  7. I never wanted to get married. Then I met my dream girl and got married without hesitation. After 8 years it was a nightmare and Ill never do that again. If you're thinking of getting married, dont!


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