The Exorcist - Chevy Camaro ZL1 designed to chase Demons
In the past, we have witnessed a variety of different marketing competition when it comes to bitter rivals in auto industry, but, this time, Chevrolet has raised the "slapping" to a whole new level. In anticipation of the most brutal Dodge's model "Demon" which will be presented to the public on April 11 at the auto show in New York, Chevrolet is ahead of rivals and in collaboration with renowned tuners from Hennessey performance, introduced the brutal version of Camaro whose name clearly reveals that thehunting season on Daemons officially began. Yes, the name definitely is not a coincidence, but when one looks at the figures with the disposal of "The Exorcist", it is clear that Dodge openly thrown glove and the comparisons will not be able to avoid at any price.
The Exorcist is 55,000 US dollars worth upgrading of Camaro ZL1, which includes a larger, clearer supercharger and intercooler, new cylinder head, camshaft, fully revised intake and newly tuned engine. The result is a dramatic increase in power, and the upgrade is possible for models with manual as well as automatic transmission, but the owners of "automatic" will be lighter in an additional ten thousand dollars, because of improving automatic transmission to applied forces created when 1000 horsepower "gallop" and enormous torque is increased to as much as 1350 Nm. Yes, "The Exorcist" is no joke, however, whether this is enough to defeat the evil forces of Dodge, time will tell, and sooner than we think.