Products You Buy When You’re Drunk

Sometimes, with a hangover, you wake up with a shower curtain with the image of Jeff Goldblum, a random pets or a used car.

A Survey on, which aims to help people make a well thought out shopping, found that last year, people in drunkenness spent nearly $ 30.4 billion. According to the site, the most frequent costs of drunk people are: food (60.83 percent), clothing and accessories (25.09 percent) and gambling (24.91 percent).

Men are more inclined to drunk shopping, with 48 percent of respondents admitting to having these types of costs. Almost 41 percent of the surveyed women also spent money during the drunk nights. In addition, the marital status of a person can also influence decision: about 55 percent of single people have opted for this type of expenses.

We bring you a list of just a few stupid things people buy when they are drunk:

Elbow drop windshield wipers 

Fishing for teabags  

 Tauntaun Full Size Sleeping Bag

Avocado Pool Float with Removable Pit

R2-D2 Coffee French Press

A Book Shelf That Makes It Look Like Superman Is Holding Up Your Books

Pooch Selfie: The Best Way to Capture Selfies with Your Dog

Scary Peeper: A Peeping Tom Figurine To Scare People

Shittens: Disposable Mitten-shaped Moist Wipes

Cat Butt Pencil Sharpener Meows As You Sharpen


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