4 movies that you have to watch this summer!
Jurassic World
Trailer speaks for itself. Prepare for a lot of action! It's been twenty-two years since the first Jurassic Park and the tropical island of Isla Nublar returns to the screens, but this time as a real theme park with living dinosaurs. Idyll soon interrupted wild tyrannosaur, which happens to be extremely intelligent...Release date June 12th!
Black Mass
Based on a true story, this drama follows one of the most powerful and the most ruthless gangsters in the history of the United States. Despite the extremely bloody past and many crimes Whitney Bulger (Johnny Depp) becomes FBI informant, to achieve his ultimate goal ...In theaters from September 18.
Sports drama, in which is certainly well known to you from the not so overly macho roles, Jake Gyllenhaal had one of the best transformation for the purposes of the role in the history of cinema.Billy Hope is a boxer who at the peak of glory, at the urging of his wife, pulling out of professional boxing that together can spend more time with their daughter Leila. During the farewell party wife Maureen clumsy tangle of circumstances is killed and his world in the moment falling to pieces. Due to the destructive behavior government takes daughter and return to the ring appears as the last hope.
In theaters from July 24.
Call upon the memory an imagination of childhood and join George Clooney and gifted teenage (Britt Robertson) in a dangerous mission to debunk Tomorrowland secret, mysterious place between space and time, where their every procedure directly affects events in the world, but also themselves.
In theaters from May 22.