The girls take off their clothes in a new viral challenge to get the attention they always deserve
Some guys like to watch football, some like to play video games, but both can hardly resist a naked girl, especially when he finds himself in their room.
A very wise girl decided to get the attention of her boyfriend, who was concentrated in the video game, the easy way - she walked around naked. His reaction is proof of how simple men are.
So there is a new trend on TikTok where women walk in front of their boyfriends naked while their playing video games and record their reaction and I love it so much 😠this one sent me
— Katie (@WizzKhaleesi) March 27, 2020
She posted the video on TikTok, and the girl named Katie posted the video on Twitter too for all of us who (still) don't have TikTok. The video quickly went viral and soon a “naked challenge” arose in which more and more girls started doing the same with their male halves.
So there is a new trend on TikTok where women walk in front of their boyfriends naked while their playing video games and record their reaction and I love it so much 😠this one sent me
— Katie (@WizzKhaleesi) March 27, 2020
Ok I’m gonna make a thread of them for people who don’t have TikTok because they are all so cute!!!
— Katie (@WizzKhaleesi) March 28, 2020
— Katie (@WizzKhaleesi) March 28, 2020
Need I mention that everyone had the same reaction?
One man tried to make the challenge, but it does not seem to have an equal impact on women.
One man tried to make the challenge, but it does not seem to have an equal impact on women.